Saturday, December 7, 2013

IA/OPS Conference of PATC in Las Vegas

I’m out here in Las Vegas at the PATC Western States Training Conference.  This was the 15th year I was privileged to organize and present the Internal Affairs Conference and Certification program.  We had 140 participants. 

We did experience new attendees.  Through the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, we had 9 Mexican Federal police officials.  Apparently the representative from the Embassy had prior experience in IA and he’s trying to encourage Mexican police development of a similar program.  He was very impressed with our new National Professional Certification for IA/OPS Investigators and Supervisors and is interested in creating something similar in Mexico.  These representatives were provided with translation services during the conference.

In addition, we had 5 representatives from Nigeria and several law enforcement personnel from various tribal police agencies in the U.S.

The weeklong conference heard presentations from 8 presenters.  Tim Longo, Chief of Charlottesville VA presented Constitutional issues on protests, employee searches, compelled statements and filming of police incidents by citizens.  Richard Rosenthal from Vancouver BC independent police use of force investigation unit and former monitor in Portland and Denver gave insight into external oversight, mediation of citizen complaints and employee discipline matrix.  Steve Rothlein, retired deputy director of Metro-Dade Police Department discussed early warning systems and undercover stings.  Mark Brewington from N.C. S.B.I. told us step by step about the Operation Tarnished Badge he conducted in North Carolina several years ago that resulted in over 100 arrests including the Sheriff of the involved county.  Curt Varone gave the attendees a primer on disciplinary issues within the fire service.  Craig Futterman, Chicago attorney, presented his studies of disciplinary issues within the Chicago Police Department and his points of view on the implications of the Code of Silence within law enforcement.  I addressed audits of special operations units, sexual misconduct and the impact of social media on police agencies.  Rounding out the conference was the presentation by Jack Ryan of civil litigation and case law on the critical tasks in policing.

Nearly half of our participants challenged the Certification process and ten successfully earned their certification during this Conference.  There are over 100 who have earned this national recognition to date.  This Conference will be repeated this spring in Nashville and Maryland/DC area.

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